
Limassol was recognised as a “European City of Good Practice”

Limassol was recognised as a “European City of Good Practice” for the project “Managing Sustainable Development in the City by focusing on economic, environmental, social and cultural revival.” The title of “URBACT Good Practice” was awarded after a successful proposal and the associated evaluation process. Limassol successfully managed the sustainable development of the city, focusing on its economic, environmental, social and cultural revival. New impetus was given to Limassol as a result of many important urban regeneration projects, which have dramatically improved the historical centre of the city, the coastal front and other areas.

The environment and quality of life have improved, while marketability and competitiveness have been enhanced. The inhabitants of Limassol, as well as those of the larger metropolitan area, benefited from the redevelopment projects. These works contributed to preserving the cultural identity of the historic center of Limassol and the visibility of its traditional architecture.

Last year, the URBACT program launched a call for participation for all European cities to gather sustainable and comprehensive solutions to the current challenges facing European cities, with the target of sharing and disseminating these solutions across Europe. Altogether, 219 European cities submitted applications for their practices on various issues of integrated urban development: from social inclusion to governance and from the economy to economic transition and environmental change. Among these 270 proposals, the URBACT program outlined 97 Good Practices from different cities with Limassol as one of them!

The URBACT program interprets the term “Good Practice” as any practice that has proven to work well, ensuring the desired results, and which can be a model. However, practice must have been developed in a participatory way, involving all relevant actors in the region. This is a successful experience that has been tested and validated and is worth sharing so it can be adopted by a larger number of cities. All the good practices highlighted by URBACT provided sufficient evidence to achieve the objectives and indicated the key success criteria for transferring practice to another city. You can find all the good URBACT practices that were published on the website.


Category: TRAVEL

Article by: Yiannis Misirlis